Hello, I'm Fiona (Ching-Hua Wang), an electrical engineer by training. I’m originally from Taiwan and came to the U.S. in 2014 for my PhD program. I did my PhD at Stanford University in the Electrical Engineering department working under Philip H.-S. Wong. My expertise is in electronic device electrical characterization, non-volatile memory, CMOS process, and thin-film semiconductors devices.
From my experience at TSMC and Stanford, I have developed both technical and soft skills. I have a lot of experience managing and organizing meetings, working with and leading collaboration efforts within engineering groups, and communicating my work to engineers with varying technical backgrounds.
I also like giving presentations about engineering and my research. I won a best presentation award at SRC Techcon in 2018 and was invited to give talks at TSMC, SFBA, and PARC. I enjoy that my audience can learn something new from my presentations.